After several years of rescuing from the trenches with grant funding - also known as the "horse sales," "loose horse sales," and "slaughter sales" - we stopped saying the following:
"If only we could get them before the bad guys do .... "
Last year, we began re-focusing our rescue efforts, using the education and experience available to us through our Director and Volunteers. Our new focus is building relationships with owners and trainers and working with the Estates of owners. We have helped re-home estates with as few as 5 horses and as many as 23.
Also, In the event a previous owner EVER sees or hears of one of their horses at an auction and wants to buy it back, we will help. We have been one hundred percent successful in these cases, sending volunteers to several states to pick up and save the owners the price of a false quarantine and shipping . This also saves the horse from further injury, trauma and illness.
Products and Services
Re-home for owners
Re-home for trainers
Member Since: 2020